Placing Turkey on the Map of Europe

Yılmaz, Hakan, 2005
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Exemplare gesamt 1
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-975-6193-17-4
Verfasser Yılmaz, Hakan Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Seral, Gülşah [Übers.] Wikipedia
Systematik 514 - Moderne Türkei ab 1980
Schlagworte Türkei, Europa, Europäische Union, Yaşar Kemal, Pamuk, Orhan, Tekin, Latife, Euro-Skepsis
Verlag Boğaziçi University Press
Ort İstanbul
Jahr 2005
Umfang 199 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Hakan Yılmaz
Unselbstständige Werke Yılmaz, Hakan - Introduction - Placing Turkey on the Map of Europe
Yılmaz, Hakan - European Narratives on Everyday Turkey: Interviews with Europeans Living in Turkey
Özyar, Aslı - Anatolien Civilizations? - European Perceptions on Ancient Cultures in Turkey
Köksal, Duygu - Turkish Voices in European and Global Literature - From Yaşar Kemal to Orhan Pamuk and Latife Tekin
Akay, Ali - Turkish Plastic Arts in Europe
Öztürkmen, Arzu - The European Impact on the Early Turkish Folklore Studies
Yılmaz, Hakan - Swinging between Eurosupportiveness and Euroskepticism: Turkish Public`s General Attitudes towards the European Union
Yılmaz, Hakan - Indicators of Euroskepticism in the Turkish Public Opinion by the end of 2003: Basic Findings of a Survey