Islamochristiana : The Human Being

Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi, 2012
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Medienart Zeitschrift
Systematik 295 - Zeitschriften zum Christl.-Islam. Dialog
Schlagworte Anthropologie, Menschenbild, Römisch-katholische Kirche, Christlich-Muslimischer Dialog , Menschenbild des Islam
Verlag Tipografia Don Bosco
Ort Rom
Jahr 2012
Umfang 388 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Heft 38
Zählung 2012 / 38
Sprache arabisch, englisch, französisch
Unselbstständige Werke Lagarde, Michael - L`homme ordonne
Polidori, Valerio - L`idea di "uomo" e "persona umana" in eta patristica. Due anthropologie a confronto
Zilio-Grandi, Ida - The Gratitude of Man and the Gratitude of God. Notes on sukr in Traditional Islamic Thought
Shameli, Ali Abbas - Prophetic Educational Planning: an Avenue from Self-development into Social Justice
Griffith, Sidney H. - Commending Virtue and a Humane Polity in 10th Century Baghdad: the Vision of Yahya ibn `Adi
Reymond, Pierre-Louis - Etre humain, ou le bilan critique de l`adab a trevers la figure du katib
Parolin, Gianluca P. - Al-Azhar (?) on Fundamental Freedoms
Bousquet, Francois - Le concept d`homme dans le christanisme. Ou: comment les chretiens envisagent l`etre humain
Lanfry, Jacques - Temoignage sur le seminaire de dialogue islamo-chretien de Tripoli (1-6 fevrier 1976)
Galaverni, Manuela - The Meeting of the Queen of Sheba and Solomon in the Hebrew Bible, in the Gospels and in the Qur`an. An Analysis of the Texts
Malik, Maleiha - European Muslims: Faith in the Public Sphere
Jukko, Risto - Muslims in Finland: Past, Present and Future
Rizzi, Giovanni - L`uomo nella Bibbia: complessita di un concetto